L&L Adult Sunday School

End Times Prophecy

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End Times Prophecy

October 3, 2021

The Day of the Lord and the Return of Christ

Speaker: Bill Bider Series: End Times Prophecy Topic: Prophecy Passage: Revelation 1

September 26, 2021

The Great Tribulation

Speaker: Bill Bider Series: End Times Prophecy Topic: Prophecy Passage: Revelation 7

September 19, 2021

Comparison of End Times Views

Speaker: Bill Bider Series: End Times Prophecy Topic: Prophecy Passage: Revelation 1

September 12, 2021

Introduction to End Times Prophecy

Speaker: Bill Bider Series: End Times Prophecy Topic: Prophecy Passage: Revelation 1

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Join us in person 

For Sunday school at 9:00 and Worship Service at 10:30 am