Giving Generously

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Financial giving is an important aspect of worship for the Christian and we encourage generous giving to Lion and Lamb Church and to other areas of God’s work as the normal practice of Jesus’ followers.

We don’t take collections during our services, but provide secure collection boxes for giving in the main lobby and in the lower level near the kitchen. Online giving is also available through the church website.

About 20% of the Church budget is used to support targeted ministries and individuals, locally, nationally and internationally, in order to invest in those spheres of life in which we understand God is most concerned. Areas of regular ministry support include missions and evangelism, aid to the suffering Church, orphan support, rescue mission and Pro-life groups. Another 15% of the budget covers the costs of our facility. The other 15% of the budget is used for the other general needs of the church such as special events, equipment, technology, literature, materials, office supplies, etc.

External ministries that we currently support financially through the General Budget:

• Alliance Defending Freedom

• Care Net

• Christian Challenge

• The Gideons

• Haiti Lifeline Ministries

• Lifeline Childrens Services (formerly Caring Pregnancy Options)

• Makers and Means International

• Project 2 Restore

• Roger Wedel (with M&MI)

• TRM Ministries (Topeka Rescue Mission)

• Voice of the Martyrs

Apart from General Budget funds, the Church accepts donations to several Designated Funds:

  • The Building Fund is used both for major facilities improvements as well as saving for future expansion.
  • The Benevolence Fund is used to meet the occasional special financial needs of church members.
  • The Church supports one elder full time through designated giving to the Elder Support Fund (Mike Halpin’s monthly support is the cumulative amount of what individuals and families designate from their giving for his family’s support).

A copy of the monthly Church Financial Statement is available to members upon request to the Church Treasurer.

Non-Cash Donation Policy

While the Church readily accepts donations via cash, check or by electronic means (via Breeze), non-cash donations will be evaluated by leadership for appropriateness before being accepted.

Donations of items that are not useful to the Church may be respectfully declined.

Items that are accepted but with a value not readily ascertained may be receipted as simply “Item xyz received from (and value to be declared by) donor.”

Gifts of stock or other securities may be accepted or declined dependent upon factors such as these:

• The item must be readily marketable.

• Acceptance of the item should not create any conflict of interest.

• The item must not be fundamentally at odds with the mission of the Church.

• The item must not create any practical problems if accepted.

The Church may choose to sell any donations of securities as soon as possible after receipt, but in some cases the Church may choose to hold the item either short-term or long-term.

Recognizing that there are tax advantages for donors of appreciated securities, the Church welcomes donations of such items that meet the criteria set by the Church. Anyone wishing to make such a donation is encouraged to contact the Church Treasurer, Bob Hannibal, at

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Join us in person 

For Sunday school at 9:00 and Worship Service at 10:30 am