
Scripture says man plans his way but God directs his steps (Proverbs 16:9). That’s not only true generally but true specifically in the birth of Lion and Lamb Church. Lion and Lamb Church began in 1997 as the result of a church split. Like Paul and Barnabas in Acts 15:39-40, those who became the planters of Lion & Lamb Church found themselves in such sharp disagreement on key leadership and Church direction issues with others in leadership that continuing to labor together wasn’t possible. Thus, part of the group that left Topeka Bible Church in 1996 to plant what became Fellowship Bible Church split off from that group in 1997, forming what would become Lion and Lamb Church.

That unplanned church birth made the early going a difficult road. Consideration was prayerfully given as to what God might have as next steps - disband and return to Topeka Bible Church, or other churches, or continue meeting? That small group wanted to continue meeting, so services began to be held in member homes, then moved to a local karate center, and then moved to Cair Paravel Latin School in 2001, where we continued until May of 2015. Through the generosity of the former Faith Baptist Church, Lion & Lamb now calls 2401 SW Belle Ave. home.

Putting the emotional and spiritual pieces of individual and corporate lives back together was a long, slow process. Love for the most spiritually fragile in our midst became the binding force that kept the Church going when giving up appeared to be the more convenient road. God is good and the past came to be less and less a defining element in the Church make up as healing occurred both within our body and with new leadership at FBC. In recent years, our body has grown significantly while most of the original, founding group remains at Lion and Lamb today.

From the beginning our spiritual DNA included elders and deacons providing leadership, a focus on calling men to Christ-like servant leadership, biblically centered teaching, authentic worship, intentional fellowship through small groups, evangelistic outreach, and hands-on participation in other key ministries as well as prayer and financial support. Those key commitments remain at the core of Lion and Lamb Church today.

Numerous individuals in Lion and Lamb Church have ongoing relationships with individuals and ministries in those Churches from which most had come, Topeka Bible Church and Fellowship Bible Church, and we have cooperative efforts with both of those Churches, as well as other area Churches, in various ministry and outreach efforts. It’s our hope that we can, within our own group as well as with believers in all Christ’s local Churches, “together … with one voice, glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 15:6.)

We have a thriving Sunday School and youth group (Mosaic), as well as a vital, growing College Fellowship group. Lion and Lamb is comprised of individuals and families evenly represented from among Baby Boomers, Busters and Millenials.

We are humbly thankful for God’s past faithfulness and enthusiastically expectant about His future plans for Lion and Lamb Church.

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Join us in person 

For Sunday school at 9:00 and Worship Service at 10:30 am